
Final Fantasy 7 Writer Regrets Original Handling of Aerith and Tifa’s Relationship

Kazushige Nojima, the writer of Final Fantasy 7, expresses regret over the original portrayal of Aerith and Tifa’s relationship in the game, but has rectified this in the Remake and Rebirth. The renewed focus on connectedness has successfully portrayed their deep friendship and enhanced the storytelling experience for players.

Regretting the Original Portrayal: Aerith and Tifa’s Relationship

In a recent blog post by Kazushige Nojima, the writer of Final Fantasy 7, he expresses regret over how the relationship between Aerith and Tifa was portrayed in the original game. Nojima saw an opportunity to rectify this in the Remake and Rebirth versions and bring to life the close friendship he had envisioned for the characters.

Final Fantasy 7 Writer Regrets Original Handling of Aerith and Tifa's Relationship - -586164064

( Credit to: Gamesradar )

During the development of the original Final Fantasy 7, Nojima recalls a senior programmer’s comment that Aerith and Tifa seemed to not like each other. This shocked Nojima as he believed the characters had formed a deep bond on their incredible journey together. However, he realized that he had not effectively conveyed this aspect of their relationship, leaving him with a sense of regret.

With the Remake project, Nojima made it his goal to properly portray Aerith and Tifa’s friendship. He also focused on enhancing the relationships between other characters, emphasizing the theme of ‘connectedness’ in his storytelling approach. Nojima believes that these connections bring the characters and their world to life.

Gratitude and Inspiration: A Programmer’s Comment

Nojima concludes his blog post by expressing gratitude to the programmer who questioned Aerith and Tifa’s relationship all those years ago. This seemingly innocuous remark inspired Nojima to address the issue in the Remake and Rebirth, resulting in the endearing relationships that have resonated with fans once again.

Continuing the Journey: Nojima’s Impact on Final Fantasy 7

Kazushige Nojima’s journey with Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth has been eventful. Last year, he pleaded with fans to stop demanding the removal or demise of certain characters, which was met with an outpouring of love and appreciation. Now, as work begins on Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3, Nojima’s dedication to improving storytelling and character dynamics promises an exciting continuation of the beloved story.

Conclusion: A Renewed Portrayal of Friendship

Kazushige Nojima’s regret over the original handling of Aerith and Tifa’s relationship in Final Fantasy 7 has been addressed in the Remake and Rebirth. Through a renewed focus on connectedness, Nojima has successfully portrayed the deep friendship between these characters and others in the game. Fans can now enjoy the endearing relationships that have become fan favorites once again. As the Remake series continues to unfold, it is evident that Nojima’s dedication to improving the storytelling and character dynamics will only enhance the Final Fantasy 7 experience for players.

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