
Temtem Developer Faces Backlash Over Shift in Focus from MMO to Co-op Roguelike

The recent announcement from Crema, the developer of Temtem, regarding their new co-op roguelike game featuring the Temtem creatures has sparked mixed reactions within the gaming community. CEO Enrique Paños attempts to address concerns but inadvertently fuels the debate.

Temtem Developer Faces Backlash Over Shift in Focus

The recent announcement from Crema, the developer of Temtem, regarding their new co-op roguelike game featuring the Temtem creatures has sparked mixed reactions within the gaming community. While some fans of the Pokémon-inspired MMO are intrigued by the idea, a vocal portion of the Temtem community is disappointed with the shift away from the core MMO experience.

Temtem Developer Faces Backlash Over Shift in Focus from MMO to Co-op Roguelike - 995001487

( Credit to: Gamesradar )

CEO Enrique Paños, also known as Kikill0, attempted to address the concerns but ended up further fueling the debate.

Temtem Developer Faces Backlash Over Shift in Focus from MMO to Co-op Roguelike - -1302890576

( Credit to: Gamesradar )

Temtem as a Non-Infinite MMO

In a lengthy message shared on Discord and later posted on Reddit, Kikill0 acknowledged the community’s desire for infinite content. However, he emphasized that creating endless updates for Temtem was not feasible in terms of both time and financial resources. He compared Temtem to other MMOs, highlighting the difference in sustainability due to subscription models or pay-to-win practices. Kikill0 also mentioned that when the team attempted to introduce purely cosmetic microtransactions to support the game, they received negative feedback.

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( Credit to: Gamesradar )

Kikill0 clarified that Temtem was designed to provide players with a minimum of 50 hours of adventure, along with an additional 50 hours of side quests and features. He emphasized that this amounted to around 100 hours of gameplay for a complete game that was not in Early Access. Kikill0 explained that the development team had learned from the Early Access phase, understanding the costs and player retention associated with creating new content and islands. With these considerations in mind, he stated that continuing with updates on the same scale was not feasible.

The Future of Temtem

The CEO’s statement that stirred up the most controversy was his suggestion that if players wanted the Temtem franchise to thrive and see more games, they should stop expecting continuous improvements to Temtem 1 and allow the team to work on new projects. This statement was met with disappointment from fans who were hoping for more content and updates for the existing game. The clash of expectations and interpretations of the MMO label has fueled frustration among the community.

Kikill0 reiterated that while improvements and additional content could be requested, it was unfair to launch a negative campaign if those improvements were not feasible. He emphasized the need for balance and expressed that the franchise could potentially last for decades, similar to Pokémon. However, he acknowledged the flaws in the game and the importance of addressing them.

Finding a Balance

Kikill0 reiterated that while improvements and additional content could be requested, it was unfair to launch a negative campaign if those improvements were not feasible. He emphasized the need for balance and expressed that the franchise could potentially last for decades, similar to Pokémon. However, he acknowledged the flaws in the game and the importance of addressing them.


The announcement of a co-op roguelike game featuring Temtem creatures has divided the Temtem community. While some fans are intrigued by the new direction, others are disappointed to see the focus shift away from the MMO experience. Crema’s CEO attempted to address the concerns but inadvertently sparked further debate. The clash of expectations and interpretations of the MMO label has led to mounting frustrations. The future of Temtem remains uncertain, and the community awaits further clarification from the developer.

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Written by Reddit Manga

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