
Argylle: A Disappointingly Dumb Spy Flick

Matthew Vaughn’s latest film, ‘Argylle,’ fails to deliver on its promises as a thrilling spy flick. Despite its big budget and talented cast, the movie’s lackluster execution, strained humor, and excessive reliance on plot twists result in a disappointing cinematic experience.

Argylle: A Disappointingly Dumb Spy Flick

Matthew Vaughn’s latest film, ‘Argylle,’ fails to deliver on its promises as a thrilling spy flick. Despite its big budget and talented cast, the movie’s lackluster execution, strained humor, and excessive reliance on plot twists result in a disappointing cinematic experience.

Argylle: A Disappointingly Dumb Spy Flick - -589841809

( Credit to: Columbian )

A Tiresome Meta Movie with Missed Comedy Opportunities

‘Argylle’ is a tiresome meta movie that tries to inject excitement into an empty high-concept story. While it acknowledges its own preposterousness, the film’s strained and unimaginative execution leaves much to be desired. It heavily relies on twists and needle drops, resulting in a movie that falls on the wrong side of dumb.

The script by Jason Fuchs attempts to compensate for its lack of humor with a barrage of plot twists. Unfortunately, the film ends up feeling like a joke, despite its few redeeming qualities.

Lackluster Performances and Flawed Execution

The cast, including Bryce Dallas Howard and Sam Rockwell, does their best to keep the film afloat. However, even their performances can’t salvage the movie from its inherent flaws.

Matthew Vaughn’s signature blend of humor and flashy action, previously successful in the ‘Kingsman’ series, falls flat in ‘Argylle.’ The film attempts to deconstruct spy tropes with a dose of irreverence, but it comes across as obnoxious and juvenile.

Excessive Plot Twists and Pointless Scenes

With an excessive number of plot twists, ‘Argylle’ proves that quantity does not always equate to quality. While the idea of a fun spy movie with charismatic actors and stylish visuals may seem appealing, the film fails to deliver on its potential.

Viewers may find themselves questioning the purpose of such pointlessness, especially when confronted with absurd scenes like Bryce Dallas Howard skating across an oil spill on knives.

Underwhelming Mysteries and Lengthy Runtime

Ultimately, the mysteries surrounding ‘Argylle’ before its release were more intriguing than those presented in the film itself. Questions like the repeated use of the Apple Music tie-in Beatles song ‘Now and Then’ or the film’s lengthy 139-minute runtime overshadow the lackluster plot.

A Disappointing Cinematic Experience

In conclusion, ‘Argylle’ falls short of its potential as a thrilling spy film. Despite its big budget and talented cast, the movie’s lackluster execution, strained humor, and excessive reliance on plot twists result in a disappointing cinematic experience. Instead of investing time and money into this forgettable flick, viewers would be better off purchasing a pair of stylish argyle socks.

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Written by Reddit Manga

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